従兄を訪ねた時は始まって、「マインクラフト」と言うブロック・ゲームを話した。そのゲームのサイトが目新しかった時に、僕はサインアップできてただで ウェブでちょっと試みた。そこで強力なトレーラーを見た。そう強力から、いつもそれが僕にサバイバル・モードを試みたい、良い昔の為に。僕まだこの動画とアップビートBGMとこの言葉を思い出す:
"Let's go to a place, where everything is made of blocks. With the only limits, is your imagination. Let's go, wherever you wanna go, climb the tallest mountains. Adventure down, to the darkest caves. Build anything you want. Day or night, rain or shine. Because this is the most significant sandbox you'll ever set foot in. Build a majestic castle! Invent a new machine, or take a ride on a roller coaster. Play with friends. Build your own little community. Protect yourself with the strongest armor that you can craft. Fight off the dangers of the night. Now, I can't tell you what you can or cannot do. With no rules to follow, this adventure is up to you."だからウェブ・デモを試みるには、(今がレガシー)MOJANGアカウントをサインアップした。初の夜でモッブから怖かったをありあり思い出す!
またクラックでは、クリエーティブ・ワールドで二人の幼なじみ(小学校から)と遊んで何かを建てた(無料のサーバ・ホスティングAternos.orgを以て、今まだある)(※クラックでマルチプレイできるには、オーソライズ無しサーバが要る)。彼らは僕を離れた以前にそのワールドで彼らとかまっていたから、そのワールドが多少大切だった。だけど僕余りに遅かっただから可惜バックアップを受けなかった(無為からサーバを消された)。 ずっとプレステがないだから大半の校友とずっと遊べない(╥_╥)。
Scratch in Minecraft - DiamondFire Server
Also there came a point in time when CommandGeek had introduced me to a Minecraft server called DiamondFire where you could code minigames and I was hooked to that server: I liked the aspect of being able to code things using attachable blocks like in Scratch - I was eager to recreate games I knew and stuff. However I gradually faced the sad reality of ranks in servers where you couldn't do anything you wanted unless you paid real money, so my enthusiasm for the server died out there.
The Best MMORPG Server - Wynncraft
Another server I like (this time it's definitely better, if not the best) is called Wynncraft, which is a free Minecraft MMORPG with original unique music, story, everything. I was introduced to it by Grian when I was watching his first Hermitcraft letsplay series "Season 7" (and yeah, Hermitcraft is another rabbit hole of itself that I got into, and it's still going!). Wynncraft really deserves more recognition because it offers a free MMORPG for Minecraft players. (At that time I logged on to check it out but then I took a long break, but now I got back into it this summer and I love it!). Click here to see my account stats on the Wynncraft website.
Btw, I renamed my username to 'Danyeru' because I like that name better (I know 'DanielPlayingMC' was way too generic lol). Here's my account on NameMC.
The Best Nostalgia Mod - BTA!
Mods are another big thing in the Java community. There are many cool mods out there, but I'll recommend you my favorite one in terms of feels: if you're a sucker for Minecraft nostalgia like me, be sure to check out Better than Adventure (BTA for short). It's a fork of Minecraft Beta 1.7 (just before the Adventure Update) that aims to be an alternate timeline where 1.8 wasn't released and the game takes a different path. So if you love the old versions (which many do) but want to see new old stuff too, this is your best bet. I have tried it and I can tell you that it's wonderful; and the awesome devs are still updating it!
Those two servers and that mod I mentioned were the only reasons why I logged in to Minecraft those respective times - I basically gave up on trying to beat the game in vanilla singleplayer survival mode so instead I moved on to playing on servers or mods.
The calm before the storm
Despite not playing vanilla survival mode enough I still cared about Minecraft, its upcoming updates, and the "Minecraft Lives" (official livestreams). I liked the Aquatic Update 1.13, Village & Pillage Update 1.14 and Nether Update 1.16, and you should've seen the look on my face when they finally announced a Cave Update on Minecraft Live that fateful day.
Split Updates & Split Community
But then this and that happened and they couldn't drop the whole update immediately so they split it up into two parts (or four, since the Wild Update and Trails & Tails Update had more of those promised Cave Update features: the Deep Dark and Archeology). I know that the devs needed to take breaks and all but, it's safe to say that the community didn't respond well to the idea of having to wait years for one update to come out, and reasonably so. Speaking of community-not-liking-new-stuff, Minecraft is no stranger to it and I'll name a few more: the great Microsoft Migration (which I had to go along with), infamous Chat Reports system, devisive Mob Votes, and many more. I actually voted in most of the Biome/Mob Votes (apart from the Phantom one) and, surprisingly enough, my vote was always the winning one.
As you (should) know, the original soundtrack of the game was composed by someone called C418 (or Daniel Rosenfield). This music he made for Notch proved to be the very soul of the game; inseparable from it. And I could make a whole separate page about admiring C418's Minecraft and personal music, but I'll make it short here. Basically this precious music composer was slowly being less and less hired to make music until he was kicked out and replaced by new music composers such as Lena Raine. This was because Microsoft (who bought the game from Notch's hands and frankly made everything worse) did not like that C418 didn't give complete rights to his music to them, so they replaced him with composers who give them the whole license to their work.
All in all, despite being disappointed at how Microsoft is ruining the poor once-indie game, I still care about it and cherish the memories I made with it. If I ever play Minecraft these days it's probably either on a server like the ones I mentioned or on an old and/or modded version.
This summer (2024) I agreed to play in a multiplayer survival world (SMP) with some indirect friends I made via secondary school and so I did finally "beat" the game by killing the Ender Dragon together, however keep in mind this is on multiplayer not singleplayer, not to mention that I hardly played a part in slaying the dragon since there were many people helping. All this time I have skipped seeing the famous End Poem (which recently got into the public domain) because I have reserved it for when I actually beat the game by myself; that will be my reward - deep words from a silly block game.
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